Monday, 4 August 2014

So What's So Cool About Coding?

So I've jumped in...I'm a learner too.  I've started an elective class in our arts and culture timeslot in a Friday, and I'm doing, where we work through projects.  At Educamp Auckland two Saturdays ago, Lesley Sampson aka @LaSampsonator decided to brave the "smackdown" and suggest we start a teachers' club.  Obviously other teachers are feeling like me.

Last night, very timely, the #aussieED chat was on coding; what a full and rigorous discussion! One of the best chats for resource sharing I've been part of, and a HUGE number of resources to go through:

I've now completed my first two exercises in, and feel chuffed that I've both made the time and completed the exercises.  They aren't that easy. I'm obviously not as logical or spatially skilled as I'd like;  I can see the benefit for my students for improving both problem solving skills, algebraic thinking, angles, estimation and following a logical sequence.  Maybe it's not a good idea to do this late at night...

My first two classes with the group of Tech Wizards have started well.  The boys - yes, all boys - are right into it and I'm nearly redundant.  So far they are working on which has been successful because I can set up a class, give the students individual passwords, then check out their work on a collective gallery page. I think we'll move on quickly, and there are one or two who want to move into more complex sites which I need to check out.

It's also a great opportunity to watch kids learn and think about aspects like letting them find out about the info.  So we're experimenting with shared Google docs, forms and self help videos.

Click on the picture to go to the video!

A mention in a tweet brought a collaboration with Craig Kemp aka @mrkempnz in Singapore. Because we are doing similar things with similar groups, we thought the kids could communicate through a doc or form.  So far so good.

I'll post again when we are further along!

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